About Blatchford Renewable Energy

It’s time to take the lead.

Blatchford Renewable Energy is a new City of Edmonton company that is providing sustainable utility services to the Blatchford community. Through innovative design, the utility leverages on-site renewable resources around us to heat your home, keep you cool in the summer, and make sure your hot water is at the ready. We can mobilize heat from the earth, our waste, even the sun to eliminate one source of climate change. This is why the Blatchford Renewable Energy was created. So right here, right now, in the heart of a major Canadian city we’re changing the game. Not just because we can, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Service Area

On a scale never before seen in Canada, we are delivering renewable energy in support of a vibrant, active carbon-neutral community.

We’re showing the world that we’re doing our part to innovate new solutions to climate change.

Heat is there on the coldest winter days. Cool air flows in the heart of summer. And hot water is always at the ready. The City of Edmonton created Blatchford Renewable Energy, so you can have the peace of mind that your services are always there.

All buildings in Blatchford are designed and constructed to use the District Energy Sharing System for all heating, cooling and hot water needs. Blatchford Renewable Energy provides services to homes and businesses within the Blatchford community.



For current information on Blatchford development progress, please visit blatchford.ca.

Our Story

Blatchford Renewable Energy is a bold and innovative project. Nothing of this scale has ever been done in the heart of a major city in North America.

Groups from around the globe are coming to learn from us. As a customer of Blatchford Renewable Energy, you can feel proud to be part of it all.

A bold vision for a community like Blatchford doesn’t happen without strong leadership and clear vision. Learn more about our journey to get here.


2008 — 2012

Edmonton’s City Council vote to close the Edmonton City Centre Airport and set the vision to make sure the site is redeveloped into a leading, sustainable community.

City Council approves the vision for Blatchford: “Blatchford will be home to up to 30,000 Edmontonians living, working and learning in a sustainable community that uses 100% renewable energy, is carbon neutral, significantly reduces its ecological footprint, and empowers residents to pursue a range of sustainable lifestyle choices.”



The last plane flies out of the site at the very end of 2013. Now that the airport is closed, the work to get the site ready for construction can begin.



City Council approve the business case that will guide the development of the community. In partnership with leading industry consultants, the City of Edmonton continue to evaluate options for energy systems that could help to achieve the community’s vision.


2016 — 2018

After City Council approves the utility business plan, the City of Edmonton moves forward with building the business case and framework for the creation of Blatchford Renewable Energy, including the utility’s governance model, bylaws and fiscal policy. Work also begins to design the first phase of the District Energy Sharing System.

Blatchford Renewable Energy starts and finishes construction on two parts of the system – installing the network of piping under the roadways for the first stage of the community and building the first geoexchange field. Construction also begins on the first community energy centre.



Blatchford Renewable Energy completes the construction of the first energy centre and has an operational system.



Blatchford Renewable Energy starts to provide service to our first customers!


2021 — 2023

Construction of community district energy infrastructure continues, Blatchford Renewable Energy welcomes more customers, and the District Energy Sharing System wins numerous national and international awards!

Planning and design work begins for a Sewer Heat Exchange system that  will use heat from wastewater as another source of renewable energy for the District Energy Sharing System.



Over 100 homes in Blatchford are now connected to the utility! A second heat pump installed in Energy Centre One increases renewable energy capacity to support the community’s continued growth.

A $23.7M grant was secured from the Government of Canada to support the addition of 13.1 MW of heating and 12.3 MW cooling capacity to the District Energy Sharing System. This work will include the installation of a second heat pump to increase heating and cooling capacity, the extension of the distribution piping network and the design and construction of the new Sewer Heat Exchange Energy Centre.


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